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Jewel of Office

  • us.ilhphs.70.234
  • Item
  • 1916-12

Jewel worn by the high priest , Albert Marshall, of Royal Arch Masons (Yorkrite), colored stones Black jewelers case for above, ""S. Levin Jeweler, Highland Park ILL."" Engraving on verso reads "Presented by Highland Park Chapter No. 226 R.A.M. Dec. 16"

S. Levin, Jeweler

Goldberg's Opera house

Broadside advertising "Goldberg's Opera House Highland Park Thursday, Oct' 7 Something New, Funny and up-to-date. McCabe & Young's A New York Success: A Black Trilby." Framed item is fragile and has been repaired with tape.

Sunday School class

Highland Park Presbyterian church. 1. Webster Rice. 2. Harold Sweetland. 3. Bert Green. 4. George Bowen. 5. George Jones. 6. Charles Grant. 7. Raymond Flinn. 8. Tom Troxel. Rilla Palmer (teacher). 10. Roger Vail. 11. Norman Mason. Xmas 1900.

Map of Highland Park Woodlands

  • US IlHpHS wood.lan
  • Item
  • 1936

Map shows the Highland park Woodlands: the area between Western and Priscilla (east-west) and Euclid and Burchell (north-south). There are drawings of proposed houses in the area as well as restrictions on the lots. The map was drawn by M.B. Schaeffer, June 20, 1936.

Schaeffer, M. B.

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