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1.16 Highland Park Centennial

Scope and Contents note File contains material related to the Highland Park Centennial celebration in 1969. Materials include: special newspaper editions, tickets and invitation to the centennial dinner, memo to the members of the Highland Park Centennial Commission from Robert G. Robinson, member list of the Highland park Centennial Commission, 1969 Scedule of Events, Minutes of Meeting of the Highland Park Centennial Commission (February 3, 1969), list of the Centennial COmmission Officers and Committees, outline of the Centennial Celebration, newspaper articles, State of Illinois Senate Resolution No. 37 congratulating Highland Park on it's centennial, centennial vehicle decals, photograph and biography of David Frye, photograph of the quartet entrances at the dinner, and the centennial anniversary dinner program.

7.15 Weber Family History

Scope and Contents note File contains material on the Weber family history. Included are photocopies of family photos, a brief family history and a descendant chart for Robert Carl Weber.

City anniversary pins

Two City of Highland Park anniversary pins: "Celebratig 85th" and "Great today, greater tomorrow."


This grouping of objects contains various clothing for the centennial and for the firehouse:
Highland Park Fire Department hat (red writing), 1889-1989
Highland Park Fire Department hat (blue writing), 1889-1989
Fire Department uniform (shirt and suspenders), No Date

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