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Showing 239 results
Archival descriptionErnest A Grunsfeld, Jr. Collection
Ernest A Grunsfeld, Jr. Collection
#2501 -- House for Mr. Harold Florsheim, Ravinia, Ill. Klaber & Grunfeld Architects. 1925.
#2501 -- House for Mr. Harold Florsheim, Ravinia, Ill. Klaber & Grunfeld Architects. 1925.
Sheet 4 - Second Floor Plan. Ink on linen. 8-28-25.
Sheet 4 - Second Floor Plan. Ink on linen. 8-28-25.
Sheet 6 - North Elevation. Ink on linen. 8-28-25
Sheet 6 - North Elevation. Ink on linen. 8-28-25
Sheet M1 - Basement Heating Plan. Ink on linen. 8-28-25
Sheet M1 - Basement Heating Plan. Ink on linen. 8-28-25
Sheet 101 - Gateway. Hardline on paper. 5-28-27.
Sheet 101 - Gateway. Hardline on paper. 5-28-27.
Sheet 103 - Garden Wall. Harline on paper.
Sheet 103 - Garden Wall. Harline on paper.
Sheet 104 - Alteration to Garage. Hardline on paper.
Sheet 104 - Alteration to Garage. Hardline on paper.
2 photocopies of gate detail.
2 photocopies of gate detail.
Sheet 4 - South Elevation House & Garage. Hardline on paper. 3-12-29.
Sheet 4 - South Elevation House & Garage. Hardline on paper. 3-12-29.
Results 1 to 10 of 239