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Men's Garden Club of Highland Park Records

  • US IHigp 301
  • Collection
  • 1939-1993

The collection consists of records of the Men's Garden Club of Highland Park and subsequent Men's Garden Club of the North Shore and Gardeners of the North Shore. The collection contains an incomplete set of issues of the Garden Club's publication "Garden Pants" from 1939-1968. Also included are Men's Garden Clubs of America Yearbooks (1940-1943), applications for membership (1943-1957), correspondence, project information, metal garden markers, and materials from annual garden club shows.

Men's Garden Club of Highland Park.

Reverend Peter Clark Wolcott, D.D., papers

  • 2022.3
  • Collection
  • 1895-1920

There are two series in the Wolcott collections: Journals and photographs.
Reverend Wolcott was an avid diarist. Diaries from the years 1895; 1897-1899; 1900-1910; 1912-1913, 1915, 1919-1920; 1923-1929 are arranged chronologically in the series. Wolcott was an active member in the community who always started out his entries describing the weather. He tended to describe nicer days, but also included the “coldest day of the year” and when the weather was just “fine.” Towards his later diaries, he also started recording the exact temperatures of the day, something he continued to do towards his later diaries. Wolcott talked about his daily masses, how many people attended, and his plans for the day. He noted visits to the high school where he was a member on the board of education for 9 years as well as taking the train down to Chicago. His last entry on December 31st, 1929 talked about his night out with friends on New Year's Eve and how his friends “raged after midnight.” The reverend died a few days after his 75th birthday.
The second series contains family photographs.

Wolcott, P. C.

Durbahn, Walter Edward, papers

  • durb.wal
  • Collection
  • Bulk, 1925-1949

This collection is arranged chronologically and by format size. House blueprints, a scrapbook, a fold-out, two educational serials reveal the progress and work of Walter Edward Durbahn’s tenure as chairman of the nationally recognized local high school vocational program. The collection also holds several images from the syndicated, award winning Walt’s Workshop television program and the Durbahn Tool Museum opening at the Highland Park Historical Society (HPHS). Clippings provide background information on Durbahn’s career.

Durbahn, Walter Edward

Babette S Kornblith scrapbook

  • US IlHpHS 2008.11.1.3
  • Collection
  • 1930-1931

Correspondence, clippings, images and detailed inventories and documentation, pamphlets, printed materials compiled by Better Homes in America campaign local chairman Babette S Kornblith. This scrapbook documents the Better Homes in America campaign and Deerfield-Shields High School Vocational Program, the cooperative work between the two groups and ensuing recognition, 1930-1931.

Kornblith, Babette S

Jesse Lowe Smith Image Collection

  • US IlHpHS 1996.5
  • Collection
  • Bulk, 1911-1914

The Jesse Lowe Smith Image Collection was created by Jesse Lowe Smith, who was principal of the Elm Place School and Superintendent of Schools in Highland Park, Illinois for 32 years until his death in 1934. Smith took the bulk of the photographs himself specifically for educational purposes . Smith had a life-long interest in nature, culture and the arts. Smith promoted an innovative and progressive educational style by including nature expeditions and theatrical productions as part of Elm Place School’s curriculum. The collection consists of 3”x4” glass slides and 5”x7” glass photographs and negative plates which either were taken by Jesse Lowe Smith himself, or which he purchased from a Highland Park photographer, E.E. Parratt or from the Nichol’s Slide Company (a provider of educational slides). Some of the slides are hand-colored by Charlotte Pinkerton, an artist who at the time worked in Chicago. The slides collection range from 1907 to 1933 with the bulk being from 1911 to 1914. The bulk of the images are botanical in nature, focusing on plant studies, trees, and flowers and include landscape scenes. There are also images of Elm Place School including classrooms and artwork exhibited in the school, some class photos of students and teachers, the outside of the school, and theatrical productions of a play and operetta. The collection includes travel photographs from trips Smith took to Montana, the Pacific Northwest, and abroad. There are also slides of song lyrics, flags and history lessons. Thus far, the following series are created: Botanical slides; Travel photographs from Smith’s travels abroad, notably India, but also Europe; and a third series for Lincolniana of photographs relating to Abraham Lincoln.

There is a second collection of botanical slides from Elm Place School currently in the possession of the Park District of Highland Park which exhibited them in 1995. There may be overlap between the two collections.

Smith, Jesse Lowe, Superintendent of Schools, Highland Park, Illinois

Visual : Lantern slides

  • US IlHpHS Visu.Lan
  • Collection
  • 1885-1932

This collection contains images in and around Highland Park (chiefly). It has been arranged into 4 series with a list of each item in that series. A few slides have been damaged, and some are difficult to view due to over exposure. They are a mix of sizes ranging from 4x5 to 5x10. These slides may have been taken by the Brand Bros. Studio or Jesse Lowe Smith.


Tenthouse and Music Theaters Collection

  • US IlHpHS tent.mus
  • Collection
  • 1958-1964

Programs, advertisements and one nostalgic clipping from summer and music theaters Tenthouse in the Round and Herb Roger's Music Theater in Highland Park, Illinois.

Tenthouse Theater in the Round.

Cook and tell

  • US IlHpHS 2014.7.2
  • Item
  • circa 1962-1965

Community cookbook compiled by women's group of local parish.

Tabernacle Guild. Immaculate Conception Church. (Highland Park, Ill.).

Results 1 to 10 of 291