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Only top-level descriptions Highland Park Woman's Club. General Federation of Women's Clubs.
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Highland Park Woman's Club, records

  • Collection
  • 1899-2000

There are five series in this collection: Minutes and Dues, Yearbooks, Scrapbooks, Topical files, and Artifacts. The Minutes document meetings with handwritten minutes and subscription information from the Club’s inception until 1956 and dues, 1902-1957. A sub-series contains the minutes from the Highland Park Woman’s Club Garden Club, 1935-1967. This series is one foot located in Box 1. The Highland Park Woman’s Club Yearbooks, 1902-1970, contain membership data for the Club and its Junior Auxiliary and information regarding events and achievements from previous years. This series is two feet, located in Boxes 2-3. The Chronological Scrapbooks documents the Club’s activities through clippings, yearbooks and other memorabilia. This series is twelve cubic feet, located in boxes 4-16. The topical file is arranged chronologically and by subject. Of special interest are folders documenting the history of the Club, created by Club members, newsletters (very incomplete), and files documenting two key court cases; one regarding the disposition of the clubhouse and the other property tax exempt status. Also housed within this series are several rare issues of the Illinois Clubwoman periodical. The Series is two linear feet, Boxes 17-18. Artifacts include a plaque and logo and other brand stamps. The artifacts are located in Artifact Drawer 1.

Highland Park Woman's Club.