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Sholom A. Singer papers
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$64,000 Question

File contains drafts of the article "The $64,000 Question". Also includes correspondence and the front page of the Central Conference of American Rabbis Newsletter from July 1970.

15 Rabbis

File contains typewritten sermon about a statement of Rabbinical policy from the Chicago Board of Rabbis from February 1979. Also includes the statement.

1st Class Talks

File contains handwritten notes for various Torah portions including Lech Lecha, Vayetzei, Noach, Toldot, Chayai Sara.

Abraham: Lessons in Faith

File contains a handwritten sermon for the Torah portion of "Lech-Lecha," specifically about Abraham. There is also a typewritten sermon about Abraham, perhaps a more finished version.


File includes handwritten and typewritten notes for addresses to various groups such as a nursery group; school groups; PTA; and youth groups.

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