The Hart family collection contains 9 architectural house drawings of the James M. Hart house, located at 282 Linden Park Place, Highland Park IL. This house was designed by Milton Schwartz. The dates of the drawings range from the mid 1950s to the mid 1970s. These drawings reflect the additions and improvements the Harts made on the property. The collection also contains a box of photographs and documents for the Hart family.
This collection is made up of general photographs from the Highland Park Historical Society archives. It is comprised of 17 (artificial_ series with 29 sub series. The series are divided into topics with the sub series dividing some of the larger series into more specific smaller topics, while remaining general. The topics that are covered in this collection include places, locations, buildings, negatives, and people. Many of the images were done at the Brand Brothers Studio in Highland Park. Their photographic contribution to the documentation of Highland Park through the years is vitally important and the majority of the images held by HPHS.
Family photographs and a scrapbook were donated by Olivia Millard. The collection includes photos of the Sylvester Millard House exterior and interior; Lake Michigan and the bluff overlook; the bridge over a ravine to the house; and Everett Lee Millard Jr and Mary Hyde 'Millard in front of new Highland Park sign, parents of Olivia Millard.
This collection contains photographs of the Kopp family from the late 19th century and early half of the 20th century. Other family relatives include the Koller, Stipe, and Hart families. Also included in the collection is an annotated copy of Pioneer to Commuter, published in 1958.