Green Bay Road School : flower garden and lawn
- US IlHpHS 1996.5-us.ilhphs.96-5-1-104
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- circa 1931
Green Bay Road School : flower garden and lawn
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Green Bay Road School : flower garden and lawn
Green Bay Road School : flower garden and lawn
Original description notes two pistillate forms and irregular curvature.
Colored potted skunk cabbage plant. Slide Reads: Subject: Skunk Cabbage Series Remarks: no.6- March 10, 1927 ; Stop 16- Time 1250.
Birch blossoms
Photograph of Poke milkweed.
Slide Reads:
"Print a detail showing the upper part of this taller stalk."
Slide Reads:
Date: July 14th, 1910
Condition of the Plate: Bright
Time of Day: 11:30 A.M.
Stop: 16
Exposure: Uncertain-perhaps 4 or 5 sec
Subject: Pyrola in Shadow
Remarks: Accidentally Over Exposed But Usable.
Slide Reads:
Skunk Cabbage Series of Feb. 22, 1927
Remarks: (Additional View: Not on Panchromatic Plate) Showing Frozen Disk Pulled up Over (Off) Them.
Skunk Cabbage Photographed in the Science Room
Black and white photograph taken of a skunk cabbage specimen inside the science room of Elm Place School. The slide reads:
Skunk Cabbage photographed in Science Room-The specimen photographed April 12 in Sweeney's Woods."
Slide Reads: "Frozen Slab of Earth+Opening Through Which Skunk Cabbage had Come."
Slide Reads: Skunk Cabbage Series of 1926. Remarks: (2) The Frozen "Pavement."