Rosenwald, Julius, obituaries.
- US IlHpHS 2009.12.26
- Collection
- 1932
Newspaper clipping relating to the death of Julius Rosenwald in 1932.
Jonas family
Rosenwald, Julius, obituaries.
Newspaper clipping relating to the death of Julius Rosenwald in 1932.
Jonas family
Youth and first business ventures, 1862-1895 -- Early Sears years, 1895-1908 -- Blacks, politics, and philanthropy, 1908-1912 -- Black schools, political attacks, and the profit sharing plan, 1912-1916 -- World War I, 1916-1918 -- The rescue of Sears and the consolidation of philanthropic endeavors, 1919-1924 -- New philanthropic ventures, 1924-1928 -- The Julius Rosenwald Fund, Hoover, and the Depression, 1928-1930 -- Final year and postmortem, 1931-1949 -- Conclusion.
Ascoli, Peter Max, 1942