North Shore Yacht Club. (Highland Park, Ill).
- Corporate body
The North Shore Yacht Club's (NSYC) primary mission is to race yachts and promote safe sailing. The club also offers sailing instruction classes and social functions. Its origins trace to the Central Avenue Beach Club, founded by George Brand, Roland Brand, Lyle Gourley, Martin Hart and John Peters in 1914. The 'Beach Club' was disbanded during the mid 1920's; then revived in 1933 under the name The Port Clinton Yacht Club. The organization officially formed and called itself the North Shore Yacht Club in 1935 and located at the Park Avenue Beach. The NSYC has been closely tied to the Park District of Highland Park since its earliest years. It achieved official, 'Senior Organization' status with the Park District in 1946. The NSYC is also a member of the United States Yacht Racing Union, The Lake Michigan Sailing Federation and holds a formal association with The Civil Air Patrol. (The NSYC has helped the civil air patrol conduct search and rescue operations on several occasions). Over the years, Park Avenue Beach or Central Avenue Beach have served as the club’s location. In 1938 Park Ave Beach lease problems obligated a clubhouse move to Central Avenue. City rezoning of the water works as a swimming beach compelled a return move to the Park Avenue location. The NSYC is significant to the history of Highland Park because of the impact that it has had on the towns’ social fabric and physical layout. The NSYC's most noteworthy event is its annual 4th of July Regatta at Central Avenue Beach. It should also be noted that the organization and it's Harbor Research Committee have had a hand in shaping many beach related ordinances and were instrumental in shaping many of the renovations that have taken place at Central Park Beach over the years.